Control Panel
LIGHTS Turns interior accent lighting on or off for glass
door models.
ICE MAKER Turns power to ice maker on or off. Use to disable
ice maker during extended vacations.
MAX ICE Activates or deactivates max ice feature which
increases ice production 40% for a 24-hour period.
Adjusts tem per ature in one-degree increments.
Combination units have separate temperature con-
trols for refrigerator and freezer. Temper atures are
preset at 38°F
(3°C) and 0°F (-18°C).
PURE AIR Activates or deactivates air purication system.
ALARM Activates or deactivates door alarm. An audible
chime indicates door has been left ajar for more
than 60 seconds.
POWER Turns unit on or off. When power is off, ‘OFF’ will
appear in control panel display. Turning power off at
the control panel eliminates the need to unplug or
turn power off at the circuit breaker during service
or extended vacations.
Control panel and display (model BI-30UG shown).
Illuminates or ashes when electronic control system
has detected a temperature or ice maker problem, or if
condenser needs to be cleaned.
Illuminates when air purication system is activated
and ashes when cartridge needs to be replaced.
After the cartridge has been replaced, touch and hold
PURE AIR on the control panel for 5 seconds to
Illuminates and ashes when lter needs to be replaced.
Illuminates when ice maker system is activated.
Illuminates when max ice feature is activated.
Illuminates when door alarm is activated.
Illuminates when accent lighting is activated for glass
door models.