Level the Unit
sing an adjustable wrench or pliers, turn each of the four
leveling legs clockwise to raise the unit and counterclock-
wise to lower the unit. Refer to the illustration below for
location of the leveling legs.
For model 424G, the countertop bracket should be used
to make a solid installation. Refer to the illustration on
page 8. If this is not possible, wedge shims along the
sides and top.
Home Alarm Connections
efore the kickplate is installed, all necessary wiring
connections in the compressor compartment should be
If a home alarm system is to be installed on the wine
storage unit, the connections should be made using the
logic supplied with the alarm specifications. Refer to the
illustration for the appliance lead locations, and refer to
the following for color codes:
• Normally open contacts – white with red stripe wire
• Normally closed contacts – white with blue stripe wire
• Common – gray with white stripe wire
Use the
/4" spade terminals or wire nuts provided to
make the proper wiring connections.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are not responsible for alarm
system connection, this information should be supplied to
the home security system contractor.
Models 424G and 424FSG Installation 11
The alarm circuit in the unit is intended as a low-
voltage, low-current device only. It should not be used
to switch line power.
Any unused terminals should be completely insulated
and all wires should be secured away from conductive
or moving components.
To reduce the possibility of the unit tipping forward, the
front leveling legs must be in contact with the floor.
Leveling legs. Home alarm connections.