Models 427G and 427RG Installation 26
Stainless Steel Door Panel
efore installing the stainless steel door panel, check the
panel carefully. Options are available for kickplate/grille
height, overall height, door swing and door lock.
The stainless steel panel is mounted to the door by
passing the #8–32 x
/8" screws (provided), through holes
in the door frame from the rear, and into the threaded
holes in the door panel. Refer to the illustration below. The
screw holes inside the door are hidden under a cover flap
on the door gasket. It is necessary to lift the flap to insert
the screws.
After the door panel installation is complete, apply the
cover patches or plugs provided over the holes on the
inside surface of the door.
For installation of stainless steel panels on model 427RG
drawers, refer to drawer panel installation on page 28.
Overlay Door Panel
nspect the door panel for the minimum
/8" (16) t
the greater width requirements for the stiles (to cover the
door hinges), and the finished inside edge. The glass door
panel has a weight limit of 20 lbs
(9 kg). Refer to the wine
storage section of the Sub-Zero design guide for addi-
tional panel information.
Decide if the handle will be attached through the glass
door frame or just through the decorative door panel. If it
is just through the door panel, the handle must be
attached first.
If a lock is to be used, the body of the lock should be
installed on the door panel after the panel is mounted.
Decorative panels are attached to the model 427G and
427RG door using #8 x
/8" square drive screws passing
through the door frame from the rear, behind the gasket
into the panel. The door panel is marked for screw loca-
tions by the use of tenon centers, which are temporarily
inserted into the
/4" (6) diameter holes in the front of the
glass door frame. Refer to the illustration.
With the wine storage unit secured in position and the
door closed, the panel is held in the desired position on
the door and rapped by hand from the front, putting center
marks on the rear surface of the panel. If the door panel is
made of such a material that pre-drilling is needed, all of
the mounting holes should be marked. If not, only enough
holes to hold the panel in place temporarily, are necessary.
The door panel is then lowered from the door frame, tenon
centers removed, the door opened and the screws driven
into the panel through the black tape on the door frame,
using the center marks to locate the screws.
Stainless steel panel. Overlay panel.
The cover patches or plugs are part of the insulation
system on the door of the wine storage unit. Be sure to
cover all the holes in the door that were used.