1) Open the fuel valve
2) Turn the STOP SWITCH to the “ON” (I) position
3) Set the speed control lever 1/3 of the way towards the high speed position.
4) Close the choke lever.
• If the engine is cold or the ambient temperature is low, close the choke lever fully.
• If the engine is warm or the ambient temperature is high, open the choke lever half-way, or keep it fully open.
5) Pull the starter handle slowly until resistance is felt. This is the “compression” point.
Return the handle to its original position and pull swiftly. Do not pull out the rope all the way. After starting the engine, al
low the starter handle to return to its original position while still holding the handle.
6) After starting the engine, gradually open choke by turning the choke lever and nally keep it fully opened. Do not fully
open the choke lever immediately when the engine is cold of the ambient temperature is low, because the engine may
1) After the engine starts, set the speed control lever at the low speed position (L) and warm it up without a load for a few
2) Gradually move the speed control lever toward the high speed position (H) and set it at the required engine speed.
• Whenever high speed operation is not required, slow the engine down (idle) by moving the speed control lever to save
fuel and extend engine life.