Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags 1-39
Your vehicle is provided with child re-
straint system anchors as follows:
y Four lower anchorages (bars) and three
upper anchorages (tether anchorages) on
the rear seat (5-seater model)/second-row
seat (7-seater model)
Lower anchorages for child restraints are
provided in the following locations:
y 5-seater models: on the rear seats
y 7-seater models: on the second-row
For each window-side seating position,
two lower anchorages are provided.
Each lower anchorage is located where
the seat cushion meets the seatback.
The tether anchorages (upper anchorag-
es) are provided for all the seating posi-
tions of the rear seat (5-seater models)/
second-row seat (7-seater models).
On each outboard rear/second-row seat,
you will find marks “ ” at the bottom of
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