Progr amming transmi tter codes into
Key unit tag
Transmitter circuit board
To register a new transmitter with the
remote keyless entry system, it is neces-
sary to program the transmitter’s code
(identification number) into the system. A
tag showing the code is affixed to the key
unit, and another is affixed to the circuit
board inside the transmitter. If there is no
tag, open the transmitter case and make a
note of the eight-digit number. Program
the number into the system in accordance
with the following procedure.
1. Firmly close the doors and the rear
gate (Outback) or trunk lid (Legacy).
2. Open the driver’s door, sit in the
driver’s seat, and close the door.
3. Perform the following steps within 45
(1) Open and close the driver’s door
2) ON
(2) Insert the key into the ignition
switch, then turn it from the “LOCK”
position to the “ON” position 10 times
within 15 seconds.
. When you complete step (2), an
electronic tone will sound once.
. If you do not perform steps (1) and
(2) within 45 seconds, an error will
occur. An electronic tone will not
sound. In this event, perform the whole
procedure again beginning with part 1.
4. Open and close the door once within
15 seconds.
Keys and doors 2-13