Step 7Step 7
Step 7Step 7
Step 7
ttach Sttach S
ttach Sttach S
ttach S
tainless Stainless S
tainless Stainless S
tainless S
teel Bteel B
teel Bteel B
teel B
rake Linerake Line
rake Linerake Line
rake Line
3541 Unit A, Lomita Boulevard, Torrance, CA 90505 (310) 325-4799
www.stoptech.com 20
Install the caliper end of the stainless steel brake
line by first placing a copper crush washer on
either side of the banjo fitting, then inserting
the banjo bolt into the caliper.
Note: The orientation of the banjo fittingNote: The orientation of the banjo fitting
Note: The orientation of the banjo fittingNote: The orientation of the banjo fitting
Note: The orientation of the banjo fitting
should be as shown in the photograph to theshould be as shown in the photograph to the
should be as shown in the photograph to theshould be as shown in the photograph to the
should be as shown in the photograph to the
left, with the brake line pointing upward andleft, with the brake line pointing upward and
left, with the brake line pointing upward andleft, with the brake line pointing upward and
left, with the brake line pointing upward and
angled approximately 45angled approximately 45
angled approximately 45angled approximately 45
angled approximately 45°
toward the rear of toward the rear of
toward the rear of toward the rear of
toward the rear of
the vehicle.the vehicle.
the vehicle.the vehicle.
the vehicle.
Torque the banjo bolt to
ximately 14 lb-ximately 14 lb-
ximately 14 lb-ximately 14 lb-
ximately 14 lb-
ft, using a 14mm wrench or socket. Do not use
a torque wrench, as overtightening the bolt can
strip the aluminum threads, causing irreparable
damage to the caliper.
crush washers
Banjo bolt
Remove the rubber cap from the chassis hard
line. Then insert the stainless steel brake line
fitting through the chassis bracket, and screw it
onto the hard line fitting by hand for a few turns,
to ensure that it is properly engaged.