March 11, 2008
Stiga Estate Royal
A powerful ride-on lawnmower with collector. The versatile
machine can also use Multiclip and Rear Discharge.
The ride-on lawnmower is excellent when an effective collection
is important. The machine has nevertheless the fantastic ability to
also supply other needs, except collecting. When you need to
work through really tall grass you can drive with the Rear Dis-
charge (accessory). The machine can also be driven in Multiclip
mode (included). Then you donĀ“t have to rake or empty grass.
Mowing is quieter and you fertilise the grass at the same time.
The ride-on lawnmower is very comfortable to operate. Nothing
protrudes at the side. This means that you can trim edges as well
on both sides. The collector is spacious (320 litres) and handy. A
buzzer will tell you when the collector is full. Emptying is per-
formed easily from the driving seat. The machine has a variable
speed control, regulated with a foot pedal. The electromagnetic
clutch allows easy engagement of the cutting blades.
Equipped with an environment friendly 18 hp engine. The cutting
width is 102 cm.