Hopper Loaders with/without Sight Glasses 24
3. Figure 12) touch the gray First Pump button. The keypad pops up.
4. Enter the pump number for the lower end of the range you are copying to. Use
(Backspace Key) to erase any mistakes. Use
(Enter Key) to enter the value.
The keypad disappears, and the “Pump Copy” screen shows the pump number you
entered under First Pump.
5. On the “Pump Copy” screen (Figure 12), touch the gray Last Pump button. The
keypad pops up.
6. Enter the pump number for the upper end of the range you are copying to. Use
(Backspace Key) to erase any mistakes. Use
(Enter Key) to enter the value.
The keypad disappears, and the “Pump Copy” screen shows the pump number you
entered under Pump Station.
7. Touch the green Copy to Range of Pumps button. Complete briefly appears on
the screen.
8. As appropriate, either continue copying to other pumps, or touch Return to go back
to the “Pump Setup” screen.
Finishing Setup: Setting Up Passwords
You can set up passwords for two levels of security: for operators and for setup personnel.
The controller comes from the factory with neither password set. This allows every user
access to all functions.
Setup Password
If you define a password for setup personnel, then most settings can be changed only after
entering the password. The password will be required to display the following screens:
• System Setup (to review and change system-wide settings, clear the alarm log, and go
to the network status screens).
• Station Setup (to review and change settings for all station options).
• Pump Setup (to review and change settings for all pump options).
Operator Password
If you define a password for operators, then a password will be required to carry out any
function (other than reviewing station and pump status, silencing alarms, reviewing the alarm
log, and looking at help screens). Entering the operator’s password will give the user access
to the functions at the following screens:
• Station Status (to enable or disable a station, and start or stop system)
• Pump Status (to enable or disable a pump, and start or stop system)
• Station Operator (to adjust a station’s convey time and dump delay, activate priority
convey, and review the station’s last convey time and pump assignment; depending on