
RS232 Interface 32
GPIB Interface 32
Power Supplies 33
Internal Oscillator 33
Calibration and Repair
Introduction 34
Multiplier Adjustments 34
Amplifier and Filter Adjustments 34
CMRR Adjustment 34
Line Notch Filter Adjustment 35
2xLine Notch Filter Adjustment 35
Repairing Damaged Front-End 35
Appendix A: Noise Sources and Cures
Johnson Noise 36
'1/f' Noise 36
Noise Spectrum 36
Capacitive Coupling 37
Inductive Coupling 37
Ground Loops 38
Microphonics 38
Thermocouple Effect 38
Appendix B: RS232
Simplest Case Using the RS232 39
Using Control Lines 39
Baud Rates 39
Stop Bits 40
Parity 40
Voltage Levels 40
'Eavesdropping' 40
Appendix C: GPIB
Introduction to the GPIB 41
Bus Description 41
Appendix D: Program Examples
IBM PC, Microsoft Basic, via RS232 42
IBM PC, Microsoft Fortran, via RS232 43
IBM PC, Microsoft C, via RS232 45
IBM PC, Microsoft Basic, via GPIB 47
HP-85, HP Basic, via HPIB 49
Part Numbering and Locations 50
Parts List, Main Assembly 51
Parts List, Internal Oscillator 65
Parts List, Miscellaneous 66
Parts List, Front Panel 67
Schematic Diagrams 71