
Service Centre
for Czech Republic and Slovak Republic
Bell Technology spol. s r.o.
Naplavni 3/2012, 120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 224 916 395
Mobile: +420 724 284 477
Exclusive importeur and distributor
for the Czech Republic
Bell Technology spol. s r.o.
Prubezna 3207 / 74a, 100 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 271 731 600
Fax: +420 267 314 291
E-mail: sales@bell-technology.cz
Web site: www.bell-technology.cz
Exclusive importeur and distributor
for the Slovac Republic
Bell Technology spol. s r.o.
Hubeneho 7, 831 08 Bratislava
Slovac Republic
Tel.: +421 244 649 574
Fax: +420 244 649 576
E-mail: servis@emgeton.com
Web site: www.emgeton.com
E-mail: sales@bell-technology.sk
Web site: www.bell-technology.sk
Emgeton supports
promissing Czech
musical bands
you will find one sond and on the CD-ROM one video-
clip from the album “Where The Spirit Lives” from the
Further information about the band Hypnotix are