VGF-WA1 3-094-116-11(1)
Overview of setup
The setup procedure varies depending on the computer to which you intend to connect this device and on
how to connect them.
1. Plugging the Wireless Digital Audio into a power outlet.
Plug this device into a power outlet using the supplied AC adapter.
2. Installing and setting up the necessary software for Wireless
Digital Audio.
The flow varies depends on the computer to which you intend to connect this device and the
connection type.
Using the supplied Wireless Adapter
Using the supplied CD-ROM
Setting up using the supplied Wireless Adapter
To connect this device to a Sony VAIO computer with Windows Vista installed via the supplied
Wireless Adapter, you can follow section in step 2.
Setting up using the supplied CD-ROM
To connect this device to a computer other than Sony VAIO computers with Windows Vista installed,
you can follow section in step 2.
3. Preparing the computer.
Prepare the computer for connecting it to this device.
You must redo the connection and preparation if you reinstall or recover the operating system of the computer
that is configured to connect to this device.