Troubleshooting (Continued)
Messages are not sorted in order of the
number of priority marks in a folder.
Unless you sort using the supplied
“Memory Stick Voice Editor“ software,
messages are sorted in the unit the same as
the setting in the computer. Sort again in
the order of the number of priority marks
in the computer using the supplied
“Memory Stick Voice Editor“ software.
The remaining time displayed in the
display window is shorter than that
displayed in the supplied “Memory Stick
Voice Editor“ software.
The unit requires a certain amount of time
for system operation. That time is
subtracted from the remaining time, which
is the reason for the difference.
The unit does not operate correctly.
Take out the batteries and insert them
“Memory Stick Voice Editor“
“Memory Stick Voice Editor“ software
cannot be installed.
The memory space on the computer is too
small. Allocate a larger memory space.
Messages recorded using the IC recorder
cannot be transferred to the computer.
•The “Memory Stick“ is not recognized.
Quit the software and reinsert the
“Memory Stick“, and then restart the
software. The software can only
recognize the “Memory Stick“ inserted
before the startup.
•Check that the “Memory Stick“ adaptor is
connected correctly. For more
information, see the instruction manual of
the adaptor.
Messages cannot be played back.
•No sound board is installed (page 40).
•No speaker is built-in or connected to the
Playback sound is interrupted.
When you choose the floppy disk drive,
playback sound is sometimes interrupted.
Saved ICS files cannot be played back.
The software does not support playback of
ICS files. Install the ICS player or “ICD-
PCLINK“ software.
Saved WAV files cannot be played back.
The software does not support play back of
WAV files. Install the software which
supports playback of WAV files (for
example, Microsoft Sound Recorder).
Playback sound volume is too low.
•Turn up the volume on the computer.
(Refer to the instruction manual of
the computer.)
•The volume of WAV files can be
changed and saved using the
“Increase Volume” feature of the
Microsoft Sound Recorder.