Available in storage capacities of 8GB, 16GB and 32GB, the UHS-I memory cards will be
available from end of February at the suggested retail prices of HK$178, HK$338 and HK$648
For customer enquiries, please contact Sony sales and services hotline at (852) 2345-2966.
About Hong Kong Marketing Company
Hong Kong Marketing Company (HKMC), a division of Sony Corporation of Hong Kong
Limited, provides sales, marketing and after sales services for Sony’s consumer electronics
products as well as broadcast and professional products in Hong Kong and Macau. For more
information on Sony’s products and services, please visit its web site on www.sony.com.hk.
About make.believe
“make.believe” (make dot believe) is a Group-wide brand message that unites Sony’s
communications initiatives across electronics, games, movies, music, mobile phones and
network services. “make.believe” symbolizes the spirit of Sony – the power of creativity, the
ability to turn ideas into reality and the belief that anything you can imagine, you can make real.