12. Appendix E
SONY AIT-3Ex drive SDX-800V series Ver.1.1
12. APPENDIX E: Medium Auxiliary Memory Attribute
This section will outline the design specifications for the implementation of selected Medium
Auxiliary Memory (MAM) attributes.
An increasing number of media types are incorporating small memory components into their
products. The creation and acceptance of the “Proposed Addition of Read and Write Attribute
Commands to SPC-2” (AM document) provides a uniform method to access the data stored on
the Medium Auxiliary Memory. This section will provide details on using MAM with this product.
SCSI Primary Commands – 3 (SPC-3) Revision 03
Sections 5.9, 7.14, 7.31 and 8.3.
SCSI Stream Commands SSC-2 Revision 07
SCSI-3 Media Changer Commands –2 Revision 02
The tape device supports the Load/Unload 1Bh command with the additional features as described
This command specification is the process of getting the medium loaded into the logical unit but not
positioned for access:
A Load bit of one and a HOLD bit of one indicates, if the medium has not been moved into the
logical unit, the medium shall be moved in, but not positioned for access. The EOT and RETEN
bits shall be set to zero. Following successful completion, the device server shall return GOOD
STATUS. If both the medium and the device server support MAM, the device server shall
generate a unit attention condition for all initiators with the additional sense code and additional
sense code qualifier set to MEDIUM AUXILIARY MEMORY ACCESSABLE.
This command specification is the process of unthreading a medium when it is already loaded into
the logical unit:
A LOAD bit of zero and a HOLD bit of one indicates, if the medium is in the logical unit, the
medium shall be positioned as specified by the RETEN and EOT bits or shall be unthreaded
(whichever is appropriate for the medium type) but shall not be ejected. Following successful
completion, the device server shall generate a unit attention condition for all initiators with
additional sense code and additional sense code qualifier set to MEDIUM AUXILIARY
If this load is performed, then the LOAD COUNT Attribute in the MAM should not be increased.
This new implementation will not have a negative effect on logical units that do not support this
command specification. The default value for the hold bit has been zero, since it was reserved in the
prior specifications.
In order to have the medium threaded, another load command must be issued.