
6 SDDS - The i ndus tr y's best sounding for mat
SDDS Print Master Guidelines, Page 18 of 26
Further details – Why is it the best sounding syst em?
In normal operation the S DDS playback equipment uses both sides of the film for
playback. However, if one s i de is damaged, the unit will play in “digital concealment
mode”. This uses extra back up tr acks for the l os t information. There i s a backup
centre and s ubwoofer . The left and r ight channels are mi xed to cr eate l eft mix backup
and r ight mix backup. T hese ar e pl ayed thr ough the appr opr i ate s peaker s at coded
volume level s . T he effect of going i nto “DCM” is seamless. There i s always a di gi t al
centre s o dial ogue i s not disturbed. The two s ides are s epar ated f r om each other by
about 17 frames.
T he data r at e off film is 2.2Mbits/sec, rather than 370kbits/second.
T he data compr ession is Sony’s accl ai me d AT RAC, used in broadcasting and in minidisk
players. The compr ession ratio is only 5:1, rather than 10:1 or 13:1.
T here i s no data s har i ng between channels, all channels are full range 20kHz (even the
subwoofer ).
T he tr ack is printed i n the cyan layer. T his is the deepes t layer and ther efor e the mos t
resistant to s cr atches . The r eader s also us e patented di ffuse light, which also
counteracts scratches. In normal use, with a well printed tr ack, the S DDS track will last
as long as the pi ctur e.
T he cinema equi pment is built to S ony’s high broadcast standards. It features 28 band
digital EQ on all channels (2 band par ametr i c on the s ubwoofer ). All I/O i s balanced.
T he pictur e below s hows the hi gh resolution, small dot size of SDDS (on the l eft).