Initialising procedure and testing the “Ratio”
One slave must have been adjusted to “rA1” and
the other to “rA2” before the initialising procedure.
Both slave flash units must be ready for firing.
Switch on the camera and controller or fold out the
camera’s built-in flash. Await the flash readiness
signal of the controller or the camera’s flash unit.
Fire a remote test flash with the SPOT or AEL but-
ton on the camera.
On some cameras the flash button must be simul-
taneously kept depressed (refer to the camera’s
operating instructions for details). The slaves
(mecablitz with SCA 3302 adapter) learn the num-
ber of the remote channel as a result of this remote
test flash. If the set-up operates correctly the
slaves will respond successively with a brief flash.
The display of the slave units will indicate the num-
ber of the remote channel alongside the “SL”.
If a slave does not respond, then switch it off
briefly, re-align the sensor of the SCA 3302
adapter so that it recognises the controlling
pulses of the controller. Finally, repeat the
initialising procedure.
The initialising procedure must be repeated
after the mecablitz has been switched off
(including Auto-Off of the mecablitz 40 MZ-...)
and on again.
The set-up (controller and slaves) is ready for
shooting after initialisation has been successfully
700 47 0113.A10 GB-I-E 20.02.2008 13:15 Uhr Seite 43