28 Chapter 4: Using the System Features
Features of the Program Guide
When you select a guide from the Main Menu or press the GUIDE
button on the remote, a program guide appears, similar to the
Program guides, such as the Master Guide shown above, feature a
variety of elements, including:
Program guide title, such as Master Guide, Custom Guide, Movie
Guide, Sports Guide, etc.
Current day of the week, date and time.
Station logo (when available) and program description of the
currently highlighted station.
Schedule grid, which includes:
Station names, numbers, and program titles. These appear in
ascending numerical order from top to bottom (unless you
have changed the listing to alphabetical order. See “Setting the
Station Order” on page 49 for details).
Time slots. These appear left to right, with the current time’s
programming in the leftmost position.
Page indicator. This shows you approximately which page
you’re on, relative to all the pages in the guide. The size of the
indicator is proportional to the overall size of the entire
program guide.
First Knight
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM PG-13
Act. Adv. 1995 Richard Gere, Sean Connery, Julia
Ormond. Thrilling romance results when rogue knight
Lancelot becomes torn between his loyalty to King
Arthur and his love for Queen Guinevere (CC, ST) (A, V)
First Knight
DTV 102
The Alamo
MTV 989
Most Wanted ...MTV’s Best of the 90’s
COM 990 It’s Gary Shan...Tracy Ullman
USSB 999
USSB Programming Highlights
DTV 105
Jefferson in Par...Johnny Mnemoni
8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PMWED
DTV 100
Direct Ticket Previews
Program Guide Title
Schedule Grid
Day, Date, Time
Station logo
Page Indicator