Appendix: Other Information 95
0-9 buttons 7, 8, 27, 29, 82, 84
16:9 aspect ratio 70
4:3 aspect ratio 70
(alternate audio symbol) 43, 59, 95
(data services symbol) 43, 63
(lock symbol) 43, 95
(messages symbol) 43, 95
button 7, 8, 26, 78
access card, replacing 68
alternate audio 59
See also RF antenna.
setting up 67
signal level 67
arrow buttons
on front panel 78
on SAT-B2 remote control 8, 84
aspect ratio, setting 70
AUTO skip function 58
azimuth 67
back panel connectors
SAT-A2 79
SAT-B2 80
batteries, inserting into remote
control 6
baud rate, setting 64
CH button 83
CH/PAGE buttons 7, 8, 82, 84
CODE SET button 83, 84
colors, setting 48
audio system 12, 13, 14
cable TV, terrestrial antenna 12,
13, 14, 16, 18
digital audio components 21
Hi-Fi A/V system 16
home entertainment system 18
RF antenna 22
TV and VCR 14
TV with A/V jacks 13
TV with RF jack 12
VCR Mouse 20
CONTROL-S jack 11
Custom Guide 57
See also Master Guide
customer support numbers 2, 93
D, E
data services, setting 63
default language, setting 60
DISPLAY button 32, 37, 43, 61, 82, 84
Eject button 83
elevation 67
ENTER button 7, 8, 84
EXIT button 9, 10, 30, 32, 37, 78, 82, 84
Express Navigator 4
Fast-forward button 83
FAVORITE button 30, 40, 81, 84
Favorite Station Guide
changing the title 42
clearing a station 42
displaying and setting up 40
displaying different Favorite
Station Guides 42
exiting 42
using DISPLAY button with 44
features, described 4
front panel controls 78
FUNCTION buttons 81, 84
GUIDE button 7, 8, 9, 29, 82, 84
selecting a guide category 34
selecting a guide subcategory 35
selecting a guide time 34
selecting a guide type 33
H, J
Highlight and Select, explained 26
joystick 7, 82
button 82, 84
Loop 50
mode 50
languages. See default language and
alternate audio.
latitude and longitude, for setting
antenna 67
LEARN button 83
Learn function 87
locking the system 55
locks and limits
overriding 55
setting 52–56
unlocking 56
with timer settings 39
Macrovision copy-protection 31
mail. See messages.
Main Menu 27
Master Guide
adding programs to the Timer 31
displaying favorite stations in 30
exiting 30, 32
selecting programs in 31
using DISPLAY button with 44
MENU button 27, 78, 84
erasing 62
indicator 78
reading 62
receiving 61
MUTING button 81, 84
opening, access card door 68
Options Menu, displaying 46
overriding the system lock 55
paging 29, 32
passcode, setting 55, 56
Pause button 83
cancelling programs 47
free preview 31
locking 54
reviewing purchases 47
watching programs 31
Play button 83