Table of Contents Index
Power management ....85, 89
Charging the Reader
Power saving Tips ...........14
Power switch ...................... 8
Standby screen
.............................34, 84, 91
[Device Shutdown] ........86
Power switch ........................... 8
Charging the Reader
Standby screen
.............................34, 84, 91
[Device Shutdown] ........86
Precautions ......................... 101
Protecting Content .............75
Conditional icon ............37
[Page Mode] ..........................48
[Page Turn Preference].......87
[Power Management]
.........................................85, 89
[Previous View]
...........................32, 33, 59, 61
[Protect Books] ..............33, 75
[Protect Drawings] .......33, 79
[Protect Issues] .....................33
[Protect Memos] ...........33, 81
[Protect Pictures] .................33
Reader Library ......................17
Reading Books ......................36
Reading Content ..................36
Reading Periodicals ............65
Removing contents ............73
Reset .........................................93
RESET hole ......................11, 93
Resizing ...................................47
[Remove Bookmark] ...........34
[Remove Content] ........34, 73
[Rename Collection] ....34, 69
[Restore Defaults] .........86, 92
[Return to List] ......................34