Welcome to the Sony Personal Entertainment Organizer (referred to as
the “Sony CLIÉ Handheld” or “CLIÉ handheld” in this manual).
Your Sony CLIÉ Handheld comes with three manuals:
Read This First
The Read This First manual gives an overview of your CLIÉ
handheld’s features, hardware and software setup, installation
instructions, and other important details. Before reading the rest of the
manuals, read the Read This First manual.
Operating Instructions
The Operating Instructions manual describes all you need to know
about how to use your CLIÉ handheld and the Personal Information
Management (PIM) applications that come with it.
This manual shows you how to:
■ Turn on and off your CLIÉ handheld, reset the CLIÉ handheld, and
enter data in greater detail (Chapter 1)
■ Use the Personal Information Management applications: Date Book,
Address Book, To Do List, Memo Pad, and Calculator (Chapter 2)
■ Perform a HotSync operation with your computer (Chapter 3)
■ Exchange data with another handheld by beaming or via “Memory
Stick” media (Chapter 4)
■ Personalize your CLIÉ handheld with your own preferences settings
(Chapter 5)
■ Maintain your CLIÉ handheld and use the Troubleshooting guide
and other technical information (Chapter 6)
Add-on Applications Guide (this manual)
The Add-on Applications Guide describes how to install and use the
supplied add-on applications that include:
■ PictureGear Pocket/PictureGear 4.3Lite
■ gMovie
■ MS Autorun
About this manual