Basic Hookups and
Quick Overview
This quick overview will give you enough information to start using the
Video Recorder.
Step 1: Connecting the Antenna Cable (page 13)
Connecting the VHF/UHF IN jack on the Video Recorder to the
signal source from your wall
Step 2: Connecting to Other Equipment with the Audio/
Video Cable (page 17)
Connecting other equipment to the Video Recorder (depending
on your equipment)
Step 3: Connecting the AC Power Adapter (page 18)
Connecting the AC power adapter to a wall outlet
Step 4: Turning the Video Recorder on and off (page 20)
Turning on and off the Video Recorder
Step 5: Setting the Clock (page 20)
Setting the clock of the Video Recorder
Step 6: Performing the Setup Using Your CLIÉ
Handheld (page 21)
Installing Video Utility from the supplied Installation CD-ROM
and setting the tuner and channel
To prepare for recording, use the following the procedures to connect the
antenna, TV, VCR, satellite receiver, and AC power adapter. Then install
Video Utility from the supplied Installation CD-ROM and make initial