Basic operations
• To type characters in purple, type appropriate key together with the Fn key.
• To type in capitals continuously, press CapsLock. To return to normal typing, press
CapsLock again.
• Press CapsLock while holding down the Fn key to switch to 10-key mode.
To return to normal mode, press CapsLock and Fn key again.
Keys to press simultaneously Function
Ctrl + C Copy the selected text
Ctrl + D Delete the selected text
Ctrl + V Paste the copied or cut text
Ctrl + X Cut the selected text
Ctrl + U Undo text editing
Ctrl + Z
Shift + Right/Left Select a continuing/preceding text
Shift + Up/Down Select a preceding/continuing line
Ctrl + Right/Left Move the cursor one word to the right/left
Ctrl + Shift + Right/Left Select one word to the right/left
Fn + Right/Left, Jump to the end/head of the line
Cmd + Right/Left
Fn + Shift + Right/Left, Select to the end/head of the line
Cmd + Shift + Right/Left
This Keyboard Help List is the PDF version of the Keyboard Help
found in KB Utility on your CLIÉ handheld.
To display the Keyboard Help screen on your CLIÉ handheld, refer to
“Viewing The Help” in the supplied operating instructions.