Miscellaneous Technical Information
03C0h-03DFh SiS 730S
03F0h-03F1h Motherboard resources
03F2h-03F5h Standard Floppy Disk Controller
03F6h-03F6h SiS 5513 Dual PCI IDE Controller
03F6h-03F6h Primary IDE controller (dual fifo)
03F7h-03F7h Standard Floppy Disk Controller
03F8h-03FFh Communications port (COM1)
0480h-048Fh Motherboard resources
04D0h-04D1h Motherboard resources
0CF8h-0CFFh PCI bus
B000h-B0FFh Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC
B400h-B4FFh Lucent WDM Communication Device
B800h-B807h Lucent WDM Communication Device
B800h-B80Fh BCM V.90 56K Modem
C000h-CFFFh SiS Accelerated Graphics Port
C800h-C87Fh SiS 730S
D400h-D4FFh Sis 7018 Audio Driver
D800h-D80Fh SiS 5513 Dual PCI IDE Controller
D800h-D807h Primary IDE controller (dual fifo)
D808h-D80Fh Secondary IDE controller (dual fifo)
E400h-E47Fh Motherboard resources
E480h-E4FFh Motherboard resources
* For Lucent modem models only.
† For HPNA modem models only.
✍ I/O addresses that may be used by add-in cards are not listed.
Address Range