About the Software on Your Computer
CompuServe Interactive Services
The all new CompuServe 2000 delivers a powerful tool for Internet users who
want serious and timely information, in-depth research, and professional
communities backed by state-of-the-art technologies, including high-speed access
and powerful e-mail messaging.
Digital Media Park™
Sony Electronics
An integrated suite of multimedia cataloging and playback programs including
Media Bar, Media Library, and Media Showcase.
Direct CD
(PCV-R538DS and PCV-R539DS only)
DirectCD is software that allows you to drag and drop files directly to your
CD-R or CD-RW drive under Windows 95 / 98 / NT 4.0 or Mac OS. In other
words, you can save, rename, move or "delete" files right on your CD-R as if
it were a giant floppy disk.
Sony Electronics
Connect a digital video camera recorder to the i.LINK connector and capture your
own video clips. You can edit the clips from your video, add others, and combine
clips into new movie segments.
Sony Electronics
Connect a digital video camera recorder to the i.LINK connector and capture your
own still images. You can save your images in a variety of popular file formats.
EarthLink Sprint TotalAccess
EarthLink Network, Inc.
An Internet Service Provider that supplies access, information, and assistance to
its customers, introducing them to the Internet. Member benefits include e-mail,
newsgroups, a Personal Start Page, a free 6 MB web site, a member magazine, and
24-hour technical support.
eMail inChorus
Softlink, Inc.
This communications tool turns your e-mail into multimedia e-mail. With
eMail inChorus
, in minutes you can send your colleagues and friends
presentations and e-mails narrated with your pre-recorded voice and
illustrated with graphics and animated annotation.