Displaying battery information
You can display the remaining battery charge on the Battery Information toolbar and/or the Battery Information window.
To display the Battery Information toolbar
Right-click the center of the Windows
Select Toolbars from the shortcut menu, and click Battery Information. The Battery Information toolbar
appears on the taskbar.
If the Battery Information toolbar is hidden behind the taskbar icons, right-click the taskbar and click to cancel Lock
the Taskbar. Click and drag the edge of the Battery Information toolbar to the left until it is in clear view.
The total charge remaining in the battery is listed in percent and real-time values. The following toolbar indicates there is
100 percent or approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes of battery charge left.
Battery Information Toolbar
Percentage indicator — Displays the percentage of the remaining charge.
Time indicator — Displays estimated time (hours : minutes) remaining before the battery fully discharges, also
known as the time-to-empty.
To close the Battery Information toolbar
Right-click the Battery Information toolbar.
Select Toolbars from the shortcut menu, and click to cancel Battery Information. The Battery Information
toolbar disappears from the toolbar.
To display the Battery Information window
Double-click the CPU icon on the Windows taskbar. The PowerPanel window appears.
PowerPanel Window
Power Profile — Displays the power management settings for various devices on your system. You can change the
settings to conserve power.
Battery tab — Displays the total charge remaining in the battery. You can click Advanced for specific information on
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