WALKMAN User Guide
Getting Started
How to Use the Software
“SensMe™ Channels”
FM Radio
Important Information
Contents list
Top page > “SensMe™ Channels” > Playing songs using “SensMe™ Channels” > Analyzing
songs on the player
Analyzing songs on the player
If you transferred songs other than by using Content Transfer and want to listen to them using
the “SensMe™ Channels,” analyze them on the player.
1. From the Home menu, select
[SensMe™ Channels].
2. Press the OPTION/PWR OFF button to bring up the option menu.
The option menu appears.
3. Select [Updating Channels].
The player starts analyzing songs.
When the analysis is finished, the “SensMe™ Channels” screen appears.
To stop analyzing
Press the BACK/HOME button to stop analyzing. All songs analyzed up to the point where you
stopped analyzing will be playable by “SensMe™ Channels.”
If songs without analysis are transferred to the player, [There is an unanalyzed song. Please
select Updating Channels from Option menu.] appears.
The player analyzes all songs at once. You cannot analyze songs individually.
The results of the analysis may vary between the player, the software, and the other
If you change channels, analyzed songs using [Updating Channels] are played back from
approximately 45 seconds into the songs. And, if a song is less than 90 seconds, playback
starts roughly from the middle of the song.
If the alarm goes off [Details] during the analysis, the analysis process will be stopped.
Songs analyzed up to the point where the alarm went off will be playable by “SensMe™
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