Notice for using this product
When using this product, be sure to read the following and other
supplied operating instructions
For the latest information, go to the support Web site at:
http://www Sony com/walkmanproductsupport
Before operating the unit
Be sure to install the OpenMG Jukebox software on the
supplied CD-ROM before connecting the unit to your computer.
If you connect the unit to your computer before installing, your
computer selects an inappropriate driver and the unit may not work
If you connect the unit to your computer before installing OpenMG
Jukebox, and [Add New Hardware Wizard] appears, click [Cancel]
Before installing the software
Before installing, be sure to quit all other Windowsa programs,
otherwise problems may occur
Sony Corporation 0 2001 Printed in Japan
3-229-191-11 (1)
Note on installing OpenMG Jukebox
If the “Installing:” message continues to appear without advancing
to the next step for several moments, click the [InstallShield Wizard]
icon on the taskbar The taskbar is displayed when you press the
[ a ] Windows key on the keyboard
Importing MP3 files
To import ME3 files to the supplied OpenMG Jukebox software
using the Windows@ 98 operating system, Microsoft@ Windows
MediaTU Player Version 6 4 or later is necessary If Windows
MediaTM Player is not installed on your computer, it can be
downloaded from the OpenMG Web site
(http://www openmg corn/us/)
If your operating system is Windows@ 98 Second Edition, Windows@
Millennium Edition, or Windows@ 2000 Professional, Windows
MediaTM Player Version 6 4 or later is already installed
Backing up songs
When operations that modify the operating system (e g , operating
system recovery or system restoration, etc ) are performed, be sure
to use “OpenMG Jukebox Backup Tool” beforehand to make a
backup and then execute the operation
1 See reverse side. 1