
*In some environments this is not recorded.
16 Main items Number of Reserved
Number of specified sets.
17 Number of Completed
Number of completed sets.
18 Number of Reserved
Number of reserved print jobs.
19 Number of Completed
Number of completed pages of a set.
20 Result The result of a job.
21 Error Cause
When an error occurs during a job, the cause of the error.
Print Job Related Item
Output The output mode of a printed job.
23 Staple The status of stapling.
Staple Count
The staple count.
25 Printer Tone The tone used for a print job.
26 Print Hold Related
Print Hold Print hold status.
27 Storing Mode Print hold store mode.
28 File Name Name of file stored by retention print.*
29 Data Size [KB] File size.
30 Common Functionality Color Setting Color mode selected by user.
31 Special Modes Special modes selected when the job was executed.
32 File Name 2 Records the file names of print jobs.*
33 Detailed Items Original Size This records the paper size of the print job.
34 Original Type This records the "Original Type" of the print driver.
35 Paper Size For a print job, the paper size.
For a print hold job, the paper size of the stored file.
36 Paper Type The paper type used for printing.
37 Paper Property:
Disable Duplex
Indicates that duplex was disabled in "Paper Type".
38 Paper Property: Fixed
Paper Side
Indicates that fixed side was specified in "Paper Type".
39 Paper Property:
Disable Staple
Indicates that stapling was disabled in "Paper Type".
40 Duplex Setup Indicates the duplex setting.
41 Resolution Indicates the printing resolution.
42 Machine Item Model Name Indicates the model name of the machine.
43 Unit Serial Number Indicates the serial number of the machine.
44 Name Indicates the name of the machine that is set in the Web pages.
45 Machine Location Indicates the installation location of the machine that is set in the Web
No. Item name Description