– 39 –
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Function
1-5 T13-T17 I Test key (4 × 8 matrix) signal output terminal (Fixed at “L”)
6 M1 O Elevator motor (M904) drive signal output (UP) *1
7 M1 O Elevator motor (M904) drive signal output (DOWN) *1
8 M2 O Loading motor (M903) drive signal output *2
9 M2 O Loading motor (M903) drive signal output *2
10 MDMON O Power control output (Mechanism deck system) Power ON : "H"
11 LES I Detection signal input from the loading end sensor switch (S902)
12 SES I Detection signal input from the store end sensor switch (S903)
13 HOME I Detection signal input from the home position switch (S901) Home position : "L"
14 DCS1 I Detection signal input from the disc1 switch (S611) No disc "L"
15 DCS2 I Detection signal input from the disc2 switch (S612) No disc "L"
16 DCS3 I Detection signal input from the disc3 switch (S613) No disc "L"
17 DCS4 I Detection signal input from the disc4 switch (S614) No disc "L"
18 DCS5 I Detection signal input from the disc5 switch (S615) No disc "L"
19 DCS6 I Detection signal input from the disc6 switch (S616) No disc "L"
20 CH/SINGLE I Changer/single setting up terminal When used the changer : "H" (Fixed at "H")
21 ILLON O Lamp (PL620) drive signal outuput for illumination When lamp is ON : "H"
22-29 N.C. O Not used (OPEN)
30 RST I System reset signal input When reset : "L"
31 EXTAL I 10MHz system clock signal input
32 XTAL O 10MHz system clock signal output
33 VSS – Ground terminal
34 TX O 32.768kHz clock signal output for a clock
35 TEX I 32.768kHz clock signal input for a clock
36 AVSS – Ground terminal (Analog system)
37 AVREF – Reference voltage (+5V) input for the A/D converter
38 INIT I Initial reset signal input (Normally : "H")
39 TEMP I Temperature detection signal input
40 EHS I Disc hight position detection signal input
41 N.C. O Not used (OPEN)
42 EE-CS O Chip select signal output for a EEPROM Not used this set (OPEN)
43 EE-CKO O Serial clock signal output for a EEPROM Not used this set (OPEN)
44 EE-SIO I/O Data signal input/output for a EEPROM Not used this set (OPEN)
45 MD-SO O Write data signal output to RF AMP (IC100), CXD2535CR (IC200) and CXD2536CR (IC500)
46 LNKOFF O LINK OFF signal output for serial communications Not used this set (OPEN)
47 UNIREQ O Request signal output for serial communications Not used this set (OPEN)
48 UNICKI I Clock signal (serial communications) input
49 UNISI I Data signal (serial communications) input
50 UNISO O Data signal (serial communications) output
51 MD-CKO O Serial clock signal output to RF AMP (IC100), CXD2535CR (IC200) and CXD2536CR (IC500)
52 MD-SI I Read data signal input from CXD2535CR (IC200) and CXD2536CR (IC500)
53 N.C. O Not used
54 SENS I Internal status (SENS) input from CXD2535CR (IC200) and CXD2536CR (IC500)
55 CC-XINT I Interruption stsatus input from CXD2536CR (IC500)