5 (E)
Purpose of this manual
This manual is the maintenance manual of the following models :
HD Camera Control Unit HDCU-900
SD Analog Interface Unit HKCU-901
HD Analog Interface Unit HKCU-902
Frame Rate Converter Unit HKCU-903
Line Converter Unit HKCU-904
This manual is intended for use by trained system and service engineers, and
describes the information regarding the circuit description, character display func-
tion, replacement of main parts and electrical alignment.
Related manuals
Beside this Maintenance Manual, the following manuals are available for the unit.
. Operation Manual (Supplied with HDCU-900)
This manual describes how to operate the HDCU-900.
. Installation and Maintenance Manual (Supplied with HDCU-900)
This manual intended for use by trained system and service engineers describes
the information regarding the installation of the HDCU-900 and the information
required for initial services.
Part number: 3-204-285-XX
. “Camera System HDC-900 Series Maintenance Manual” CD-ROM
(Available on request)
This “Camera System HDC-900 Series Maintenance Manual” CD-ROM allows
you to search for the detailed information (parts list, semiconductor pin assign-
ments, block diagrams, schematic diagrams and board layouts) of the HD color
camera HDC-900/950, that of HD camera control unit HDCU-900 and that of
option board HKCU-901/902/903/904 for HDCU-900 that premises the service on
the component level.
In addition to the above-described information, you can view the PDF files of the
related manuals of the equipment models that are used in the HDC-900 series
camera system. (Contents are subject to change without notice.) For obtaining,
contact your local Sony Sales Office/Service Center.
. “Semiconductor Pin Assignments” CD-ROM (Available on request)
This “Semiconductor Pin Assignments” CD-ROM allows you to search for
semiconductors used in B&P Company equipment.
Semiconductors that cannot be searched for on this CD-ROM are listed in the
maintenance manual for the corresponding unit. The maintenance manual contains
a complete list of all semiconductors and their ID Nos., and thus should be used
together with the CD-ROM.
Part number: 9-968-546-XX
Manual Structure