Create a Wireless LAN Connection 25
Create a Wireless LAN Connection
To create a connection to a wireless LAN access point, follow the steps described below.
For details of how to create an ad hoc group connection, see Setting up an Ad Hoc Group
Network on page 30.
1. Before you begin make sure a Wireless LAN access point is in range.
2. Right click and select Open Utility. The GC79 Wireless Configuration Utility opens.
3. The Wireless Networks tab is displayed.
Note (XP only):
If the tab doesn’t display available and preferred networks:
Select Start Settings Network and Dial-up Connections. Right click the Wireless
Network Connection and select Properties. Select the Wireless Networks tab and untick
Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings. Click OK. Repeat steps 1, 2 and
3 above.
Clicking the Advanced button opens the Advanced dialog, use the dialog to specify the type of
networks you want to access.