
Menu Organization
Menu Settings
Menu Organization
As shown in the following figure, the menu system
consists of four levels and is functionally divided into three
subsystems: the setup menu, the auto mode (AUTO
FUNCTION) execution menu and the digital hours meter
display menu. This chapter mainly describes the setup
menu, showing its contents and how to operate it.
For details of the AUTO FUNCTION menu, see Digitally
Dubbing Signals in DVCAM Format on page 50 and
Rerecording the Time CodeTC Insert Function on
page 45.
For details of the digital hours meter display, see Regular
Checks on page 91.
The items of the setup menu are divided into several
functional groups on level 1, and except for the MENU
GRADE item the settings themselves are made on level 2
or level 3.
Also, the menu items are divided into two categories
according to how frequently they are accessed: the basic
items, to which frequent access is normally required, and
the enhanced items, which are less frequently used. In
the following figure, the items shown in boldface are basic
items, and the other items are enhanced items.
The menu settings are saved in non-volatile memory,
which means they are not erased when you power off the
unit after executing the setting operation.