ClipLink Guide
Time codes recorded for Mark IN/OUT points
There is a gap between actual time codes and Mark IN/
OUT time codes recorded in the cassette memory, as
shown in the figure below. The time code value is rounded
up at each Mark IN point and rounded down at each Mark
OUT point, to a whole number of seconds.
Recording capacity for Mark IN/OUT point
time codes and cue point time codes
When in MARK mode, up to 198 pairs of Mark IN and
Mark OUT points can be recorded (if using a cassette with
16 Kbits of cassette memory).
When in CUE mode, up to 396 time code points (including
all cue point time codes and all Mark (Rec) IN and Mark
(Rec) OUT point time codes) can be recorded (if using a
cassette with 16 Kbits of cassette memory).
12:23:15:10 12:34:20:20 12:39:24:23
12:23:16 12:34:20:20 12:39:24
Actual time code
Time code
recorded in the
cassette memory
Mark IN
(or Rec IN)
Mark OUT
(or Rec OUT)
Rounded up
(The index
picture is the
image around
Rounded down