The Calculator can perform addition (+), subtraction (–), multiplication (x)
and division (÷), and even percentage (%) calculation.
• Press to go through the mathematical operations of +, –, x, and ÷
in that order.
• Press to display “%”.
• Press
to clear the entered value and the result.
• Press the
to start a new calculation while using the calculator.
1 Select Calculator from the Main menu. The assigned keys will
be displayed.
2 Enter a number.
3 Press to select the operand and then enter another number.
4 Press to select = for the result.
In this example we are going to subtract 20% from 120.
1 2 0 2 0
Rate conversion
You can also use the calculator as a currency calculator as an easy way to
convert prices from one currency to another.
Display the pop up menu by pressing the Jog Dial backward and select the
desired Currency exchange rate. Press the Jog Dial to display the
converted price on the Calculator.
Also, the exchange rate has the following functions in Settings on the pop
up menu list. Make sure of specifying the rate whenever adding a new
Home currency to set your home currency.
Foreign currency to set foreign currency.
Currency list to list currency and to enter
currency newly up to 5 currencies included