Chapter 12 External Devices
Control of External Devices
Control of External Devices
Use the Device menu to carry out operations for controlling external devices
such as the following.
• Devices supporting P-BUS (Peripheral II protocol) (referred to as “P-BUS
devices” in the manual)
• Devices supporting GPI (General Purpose Interface) (referred to as “GPI
devices” in the manual)
• Disk recorders (supporting Sony disk 9-pin protocol)
For VTRs and disk recorders, you can also carry out operations using the
device control block.
• To operate P-BUS devices, VTRs, and disk recorders in the DVS-9000
system, the following settings are required on the DCU 9-pin serial port.
- Device type setting
- Device name
- Setting of control panel (SCU) to be used
For details of the settings, see “Making serial port settings” (page 273).
• When using a disk recorder, be sure to go to the Device>DDR/VTR>File List
menu, and recall the file.
For details of the operation, see “Recalling a file” (page 107).
Accessing the Device menu
In the menu control block, press the top menu selection button [DEV].