Solaris 9 Security CX-310-301 68
¾ Audit – This contains the scripts to run in order to carry out a verification check jass run. These
scripts do not make changes, they just analyze the current state of the system and report the
vulnerabilities it finds
The secure.driver script is shown here:
# cat secure.driver
# Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
#ident "@(#)secure.driver 3.6 03/11/24 SMI"
# The purpose of this driver is to act as a wrapper calling the
# "configuration" and "hardening" drivers.
DIR="`/bin/dirname $0`"
export DIR
. ${DIR}/driver.init
. ${DIR}/config.driver
. ${DIR}/hardening.driver
Running SST
The most common option to run the SST is to use the standalone method, which executes the secure.driver
file. Start the SST run by entering the command:
# ./jass-execute –d secure.driver
[NOTE] Executing driver, secure.driver
secure.driver: Driver started.
JASS Version: 4.0.1
Node name: ultra
Host ID: 8f88ffe0
Host address:
MAC address: 8:0:20:00:00:00
OS version: 5.9
Date: Sun Apr 11 17:50:14 BST 2004
secure.driver: Finish script: install-templates.fin
Copying personalized files.
[NOTE] Copying /.cshrc from /opt/SUNWjass/Files/.cshrc.