Jaguar Model J-390
This section must be brought to the attention of the owner by the
installer so that the owner can make the necessary arrange-
ments with a qualified service agency for the periodic care and
maintenance of the boiler. The installer must also inform the
owner that the lack of proper care and maintenance of this boiler
and any fuel burning equipment may result in a hazardous condi-
tion. Installer should discuss contents of the User’s Information
Manual (Publication J-UIM) with the owner.
A trained and qualified service technician should perform the
inspection listed in these instructions before each heating season
and at regular intervals.
A. Safety check, see page 38.
B. Vent and air intake system inspection
1. Check for obstruction, condensation, corrosion and
physical damage.
2. Check outside termination. Screen and louvers should be
free of any debris and must be cleaned as required.
3. Perform “Venting and Air intake System Regular
Inspection”, see page 16.
C. Piping
Check the following:
1. Water piping and accessories for leaks. Slightest leaks
should be corrected.
2. System to be full of water and pressure to remain stable at
correct setting on gauge.
3. Air-control system. Noise and air binding in radiation
should not occur.
4. Low water cutoff for operation (see instruction furnished
with unit).
D. Boiler Room Air Supply
Check air vents for continuous positive supply of air as
Air needs are greatest in cold weather if boiler
installation is non-direct vent method. Air vents must open and
free of obstruction.
WARNING: The flow of combustion and ventilating air to the
boiler should not be obstructed.
A. Check water pressure regularly and add water slowly to
system when needed. If m
uch water is added, v
enting ma
y be
Regular loss of w
ater from boiler system may
indicate either a system leak, or a f
aulty air control system, or
a faulty automatic fill valve.
B. Check venting system. See “Venting and Air Intake System
Regular Inspection” on page 16.
C. Check condensation drain trap to be full of water. Check for
deterioration of the tubing. Check that the trap is not plugged.
. The combustion blower does not require or have provisions
or lubrication.
E. If required, lubricate the circulator as per the manufacturer’s
A. Heat Exchanger: In the unlikely event of flue passage or
water passage blockage, service to remedy situation must be
performed only by an authorized Slant/FIn representative.
Burner: In the unlikely event of blockage or deterioration,
service to remedy situation must be performed only by an
authorized Slant/Fin representative.
When parts are needed, refer to boiler model and serial number
shown on the boiler name/rating plate. Refer to publication
number J-10PL replacement parts for part numbers. Whenever
possible refer to the original order by number and date.
Control identification and replacement should not be attempted
by unskilled personnel. Only, simple easily - identified controls
and parts may be obtained locally. All other control and parts
should be identified by and ordered form Slant./Fin. Relief/Safety
valves must be ASME rated for the pressure and gross output of
the boiler.
For replacement parts, heating contractors should contact their
Slant/Fin boiler distributor.