Standard working pressure 30 psi water, 15 psi steam.
All boilers hydrostatically tested — A.S.M.E.
* For forced hot water heating systems where the boiler and all piping are located within
the area to be heated, the boiler ma
y be selected on the basis of gross D.O.E.capacity
output. The net I=B=R output ratings shown are based on an allowance for piping and
pickup of 1.15 (water) or 1.33 (steam). D.O.E.capacity gross output is divided by the
allowance to obtain net rating. The manufacturer should be consulted before selecting a
boiler for unusual piping and pickup requirements such as intermittent system operation,
extensive piping, etc.
† Ratings apply to the use of light oil at 140,000 Btu per gallon, and apply only when b
models listed on pages 14-16 of this manual are used, and are properly adjusted to pro-
duce 13% CO
§ Nominal clay tile liner dimensions.
ankless heater rating based on intermittent draw.
Water boiler models LD-30 and larger have two firing rates. The boiler is factory shipped
at the lower firing rate. To obtain the higher firing rate, refer to the Liberty II boiler installa-
tion instructions for the appropriate field adjustments.
ross output
❑ Collar is oblong, will fit 6" diameter nominal connector.
¢ This dimension is from the boiler jacket to the center of the flue outlet.
NOTE: All boilers under 300,000 Btuh input are tested and rated for capacity under the U.S.
Department of Energy (D.O.E.) test procedures for boilers.