
Q2: Why my video will not play on Media
Player if I move it over to the extended
A2: Check that you have moved the Media
Player window completely over to the
extended screen.
Q3: There are lines running horizontally up
and down my screen or distorted screen.
A3: This is due to a low or unsupported refresh
rate setting. You can change this in Display
Make sure you select the USB 2.0 to VGA
Pro and not set the refresh rate higher than
what your monitor can support.
Q4: Why can't I make the USB 2.0 to VGA Pro
the primary display?
A4: Some video cards come with autility that
prevents other video cards from being set as
the primary video card. Check the bottom
right hand corner of the taskbar for the
utility. Disable the utility before switching
the USB 2.0 to VGA Pro adapter to be the
primary display.