The Shure Model 1200 AUDIOMASTER
Powermixer is a
Other effects devices or an equalizer can be connected through
compact, flexible microphone mixer with six inputs for high- or
a post-master control program loop. An integral power amp
low-impedance sources and a 200-watt power amplifier. The
1200 is human-engineered for ease of setup and operation.
Connection of microphones, speakers and other equipment
(tape recorder, equalizer, effects device, remote amp, etc.) is
fast and convenient.
limiter prevents overload distortion over a wide signal input
range. Pre-volume monitor send controls and pre-master vol-
ume tape output provide maximum versatility in stage or record-
ing applications. The control panel has color-coded knobs for
ease of adjustments, while LED indicators give instant notice of
The 1200 is rack-mountable or portable. Its 6 inputs are
expandable to 8 or 10 inputs through the use of A1200MX
Expansion Kits. Inputs accept both high- and low-impedance
microphones (dynamic, ribbon or condenser), as well as ampli-
fied instruments or other high-level sources. Individual channel
input attenuators with overload indicators permit precise gain
control to prevent input overload. The 1200 has built-in rever-
beration with individual channel and overall level adjustments.
operating status.
In addition to the A1200MX Expansion Module, the following
accessories are available for the 1200: A1200C Carrying Case,
A95UF Line Matching Transformer, RKC209 240 V Conversion
Kit, and M64A Phono Preamplifier.
The 1200 is Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., and
listed by Canadian Standards Association as certified.