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[1] Troubleshooting
1. When the CD does not function
The CD section may not operate when the objective lens of the optical pickup is dirty. Clean the objective lens, and
check the playback operation. When this section does not operate even after the above step is taken, check the
following items.
Remove the cabinet and follow the troubleshooting instructions.
"Track skipping and/or no TOC (Table Of Contents) may be caused by build up of dust other foreign matter on the
laser pickup lens. Before attempting any adjustment make certain that the lens is clean. If not, clean it as mentioned
Turn the power off.
Gently clean the lens with a lens cleaning tissue and a small amount of isopropyl alcohol.
Do not touch the lens with the bare hand.
2. When a CD cannot be played
2.1. Pressing the CD operation key is accepted, but playback does not occur.
1) Focus-HF system check
2) Tracking system check
3) Spin system check
4) PPL system check
Parts code
1. CD optical pickup Lens cleaner disc UDSKA0004AFZZ
Cleaning fluid
Cleaner disc
Using the brush in the cleaner cap, apply 1 or 2 drops of the cleaning fluid to the
brush on the CD cleaner disc which has the mark next to it.
Place the CD cleaner disc onto the CD disctray with the brush side down, then
press the play button.
Yo u will hearmusic for about20secondsand the CD player will automatically stop.
If it still play continuously, press the stop button.
The CD lens cle
aner should be effective for 30-50 operations, however if the
brushesbecome worn outearlier then please replace the cleaner disc.
If the CD cleaner brushesbecome very wet then wipe off any excess fluid with asoft
Do not drink the cleaner fluid or allow it contact with the eyes. In the event of this
happening then drink and / or rinse with cleanwater and seek medical advice.
The CD cleaner discmust not be used on carCDplayers or on computer CD-ROM
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplicating, broadcasting and renting this product
is prohibited bylaw.