UX300u MSDS-Front 2/2
SHARP Date Issued: Dec.22,1998
MSDS No. B-1006
Section 6. Physical Chemical Characteristics
Boiling/Melting Point m.p. about 70 C
for ink
Specific Gravity about 1
Vapor Pressure not applicable Solubility in
Vapor Density not applicable PH not applicable
Evaporation Rate negligible Viscosity not applicable
Appearance thin film coated
with ink
Color black
Odor slight wax odor
Section 7. Fire and Explosion Data
Flash Point (Method Used): about 250 C for ink
Ignition Temperature: not applicable
Flammable Limits: (LEL); not applicable (UEL); not applicable
Extinguishing Media: CO2, water, dry chemicals and form etc.
Special Fire Fighting Procedure: none
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazard: none
Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact: no hazardous effect by mechanical impact
Sensitivity to Static Charge: not applicable
Section 8. Reactivity Data
Stability: Stable
Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): none
Hazardous Decomposition: not applicable
Hazardous Polymerization: not applicable
Section 9. Precautions for Safe Handling and Use
Personal Protection Information (Respiratory, Eye Protection and Protective Glove): not required
Engineering Control/Ventilation: not required
Work/Hygienic Practice: none
Steps to be taken in case of Spill or Leak: If rumple the product and wax layer peel off, sweep up or clean with vacuum cleaner.
If it dirty skin, wash with water and soap. If it clothes, wash by suitable method.
Waste Disposal Method: Dispose in an approved incinerator or contract with licensed chemical disposal
Ensure conformity with governmental disposal regulations. (Dispose by the same
method of ordinary plastic products.)
Section 10. Regulatory Information
NFPA Rating (U.S.A.): no information
WHMIS Legislation (Canada): not controlled
Transport Information: no information
UN No.: no information
Section 11. Other information
Reference : IARC (1996) Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals
to Humans, Vol. 65, Printing Process and Printing inks,
Carbon Black and Some Nitro Compounds, Lyon, pp-149-261
H. Muhle, B. Bellmann, O. Creutzenberg, C. Dasenbrock, H. Ernst,
R. Kilpper, J. C. Mackenzie, P. Morrow, U. Mohr, S. Takenaka, and
R. Mermelstein (1991) Pulmonary Response to Toner upon Chronic Inhalation
Exposure in Rats.
Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 17, pp. 280-299