
Top Up TV Anytime
In addition to the standard Freeview channels, your DTR
can also give you access to a wider range of programmes on
Top Up TV Anytime.
By subscribing to Top Up TV Anytime for a small monthly
fee, your DTR will automatically record and download
programmes from channels such as Discovery,
UKTV Gold, Warner TV, the Disney Channel, National
Geographic channel and more, for you to watch
whenever it suits you.
The extra channels are shown across the
bottom of the Programme Guide screen.
Pressing the Top Up TV button on your remote enables
you to view the list of programmes available to watch
right now. Then you simply use the LEFT and RIGHT
arrow buttons to scroll through and press OK on
anything you want to watch.
To subscribe to the extra programming and choice that
Top Up TV brings call now on 08444 158 158.
Programme Search
The powerful search facility allows for searching the
entire Programme Guide and Programme Library.
Note: To select the search facility use the RED button in
the Guide, to record programmes from the Guide use the
RECORD button.
Use the NUMBERED buttons on your
remote control to enter text. Enter either
as much of the channel name or the programme title as you know and a
list of programmes matching your search request will appear allowing you to watch or
record the programmes. For example, entering ‘bbc’ as a channel name will return results
for all channels starting with the text ‘bbc’ (BBC ONE, BBC TWO, BBC THREE, etc.) whereas
entering ‘bbc o’ will return results for BBC ONE.
Using Your DTR