Remote Operations
3. Answering
Note: You can also call the machine and perform remote operations when the
reception mode is set to Auto Attendant, or TEL mode if you call your line 2
number (unless the number of rings is set to 0). In this case, when you call the
machine, press immediately after it answers (press before you hear
the fax tone in TEL mode on line 2), and then continue from Step 2 above.
♦ When a remote command is accepted by the machine, you will hear one
beep. If an incorrect command is entered, you will hear four beeps. In the
latter case, re-enter the correct command.
♦ When entering a command, do not pause longer than 10 seconds between
each digit. If you do, you will hear a 4-beep error signal and the digits
entered up to that point will be cleared. In this case, re-enter the command
from the beginning.
♦ If you pause for longer than 10 seconds before entering a command, or
make two errors while entering your remote code number, the line will be
disconnected. (This prevents unauthorized people from attempting to
guess your remote code number.)
Other remote operations
After listening to your messages, you can perform any of the following
operations by pressing the appropriate keys on the telephone.
Note: The following commands cannot be entered while messages are being
played back. If you do not want to wait until playback ends to enter a
command, first stop playback by pressing and , and then enter the
Changing the reception mode
Select a new reception mode by pressing the keys as follows:
♦ TAD mode: , , and .
♦ Auto Attendant mode: , , and .
♦ TEL mode: , , and .
8 1
8 3
Note: If TEL mode is
selected, you will only be
able to access the machine
for remote operation if you
call your line 2 number and
the number of rings is not
set to 0.
all.book 79 ページ 2004年6月22日 火曜日 午後12時1分