Basic Operation (Continued)
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Sound Volume
l_ To adjust the volume
© O
@ Press VOL (+) to increase lhe sound volume
The bar indicator shills right
@ Press VOL (-) to decrease the sound volume
The bar indicatorshifts left
VOLUME 1tO Illtllllt| ..................................................
1_To mute the sound
e Press MUTE to temporarily turnoff the sound.
The MUTE mark u'_ is displayed for 4 seconds
O Press MUTE or VOL (+)t(-) io turn the sound back to the
previous level
The mute function is automatically turned off when any of
the following buttons are pressed: POWER, MUTE, VOL
(+)/(-) or MTS
[voLoME ]
f0 Inlll|lU .................................................. j
* When VOL (÷}/(_)is pressedin lheMute mode,the sound turns
onand thevofume Indlcalor isdlspIayed
• The M_tefunction is canceledwhenPOWERispressed
m To select MTS (Multichannel TV Sound)
1 : Press MTS to display the MTS screen
2 :' Press MTS to select the MTS settings
STEREO: stereoaudio
i SAP: secondaryaudio program
i:i MONO: monophonic audio
L _o_I_
, "ONAIF appearswhena STEREOorSAP broadcastisbeing
Changing Channels
You can select channels using Channel Select or
CH (A)/(V)
" This LCDTV setallows you fo selectup to 125 channels(1 to 125) To select a channel, enter a 2- or 3-digil number
Using Channel Select
When selecting the channel using Channel Select, complete
input of the channel number by holding down the button for
the last digit fora moment
To select a 1_or 2*digit channel number (e..go,Channel 5):
Complete the following procedure within 4 seconds
1 Press the @ button 2 Press the _ button
0- 51
When selecting a l-dlgJt channel number, do nol tail to press the
(_) butlan first
To select a 3-digit channel number: (e.g°, Channel 115):
Complete the {oI{owing procedure within 4 seconds
1 Press the @ button 2 Press the C) button
3 Press the _') button
115 1
* The 3-digit channel numbercanbe selectedonly whenthe
receiving modeis sel Io CABLEin CH-SETTING
"Changing channels with CH (A)I(M) on theremote control
Air: PressCH(t-.) and[h8channelschangeinIheordershownbelow:
2 --_.3 .... 6B_69_2_3_
3_2_69_8B_ _3_2_ .
t_2_3.._ _125_1_2_3_
PressCH(v) andIhechannelschangeintheordershownbelow:
k, 3_2_1_t25-_ --3 ._,2 _ 1
@ Press FLASHBACK toswitch the currently tuned channel
1othe previously tuned channel
O Press FLASHBACK again to switch back to thecurrently
tuned channel