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51 02 Resist amount adjustment
Used to set the warp amount of paper in the resist section.
When this simulation is executed, warm-up is started and the currently set tray resist amount is displayed on the
copy quantity display.
After completion of warm-up, the ready lamp is lighted. Press the PRINT button to start copying.
Since there are two or more display items, the third digit is used to make distinction between the light reception
level and the original judgment level, and the lower two digits are used to display the data.
The display is selected by the magnification ratio key.
Copy quantity display
Display data
3rd digit 2nd, 1st digits
A1 ∼ 99 Tray resist amount
b Manual feed resist amount
C ADU paper feed resist amount ← SF-2120 only
Set range: 1 ∼ 99
After completion of setting, press the CA key to cancel the adjustment mode.
52 01 ADU alignment plate home position adjustment (SF-2120 only)
Used to adjust the alignment plate home position by entering figures.
When this simulation is executed, the currently set adjustment value is displayed on the copy quantity display.
The setting range is 1 ∼ 8 ∼ 30.
The smaller the set value is, the wider the alignment plate home position is.
02 ADU rear edge plate home position adjustment (SF-2120 only)
Used to adjust the rear edge plate home position by entering figures.
When this simulation is executed, the currently set adjustment value is displayed on the copy quantity display.
The set range is 1 ∼ 8 ∼ 30.
The smaller the set value is, the wider the rear edge plate home position is.
03 ADU transport motor adjustment (SF-2120 only)
Used to vary the transport motor speed in the case of ADU paper
When this simulation is executed, the currently set adjustment value is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Enter the set value and press the PRINT button to store it.
Set value Transport speed
150 mm/s
130 mm/s
100 mm/s
53 01 (R)ADF (single) stop position setting
Used to set the original stop position in ADF (single) transport.
When this simulation is executed, the currently set stop position data is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Enter the set value and press the PRINT button to store it.
Setting range: 0 ∼ 15
02 (R)ADF (duplex) stop position setting
Used to set the original stop position in ADF (duplex) transport.
When this simulation is executed, the currently set stop position data is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Enter the set value and press the PRINT button to store it.
Setting range: 0 ∼ 15
04 ADF resist sensor adjustment
Used to adjust the ADF resist sensor original judgement level.
When this simulation is executed, the resist sensor original judgement level is adjusted. After completion of
adjustment, the original judgement level is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Display range: 0 ∼ FFh (hexadecimal)
05 ADF paper exit reverse sensor adjustment
Used to adjust the ADF paper exit reverse sensor original judgement level.
When this simulation is executed, the paper exit reverse sensor original judgement level is adjusted. After
completion of adjustment, the original judgement level is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Display range: 0 ∼ FFh (hexadecimal)
8 – 19