Manuals in PDF format
Manuals in PDF format can be downloaded from the Web server* in the machine.
The manuals contain detailed explanations of the procedures for using the machine. To download the PDF
manuals, see "How to download the manuals in PDF format" (page 3).
* You will need the IP address of the machine in order to access the Web server in the machine. The IP address
is configured in the Network Settings menu in the system settings.
This manual provides detailed explanations of the procedures for using the copy function.
This manual provides detailed explanations of the procedures for using the print function.
This manual provides detailed explanations of the procedures for using the image send function (scan, USB
memory scan, Internet fax, fax, and data entry).
This manual provides detailed explanations of the procedures for using the document filing function. The
document filing function allows you to save the document data of a copy or fax job, or the data of a print job, as
a file on the machine's hard drive. The file can be called up as needed.
This manual explains the settings and functions that are used to manage and control the machine, such as the
system settings that require administrator rights.
This manual explains the basic procedures for using the machine, such as how to load paper.
User's Guide
Copier Guide
Printer Guide
Image Send Guide
Document Filing Guide
Administrator's Guide