16 Main items Number of Reserved
Number of specified sets or reserved destinations.
17 Number of Completed
Number of completed sets or number of destinations to which
transmission was successfully completed.
18 Number of Reserved
Number of reserved original pages of a copy, print, scan job, or other
19 Number of Completed
Number of completed pages of a set.
20 Result The result of a job.
21 Error Cause
When an error occurs during a job, the cause of the error.
Print Job Related Item
Output The output mode of a printed job.
23 Staple The status of stapling.
Staple Count
The staple count.
25 Punch Count The punch count.
26 Fold Recorded in a job that uses the fold function.
27 Fold Count Number of folded pages.
28 Printer Tone The tone used for a print job.
29 Image Send Related
Direct Address Address of an image send job.
30 Sender Name Sender name of an image send job.
31 Sender Address Sender address of an image send job.
32 Transmission Type Transmission type of an image send job.
33 Administrative Serial
Administrative serial number of an image send job.
34 Broadcast number Broadcast number of an image send job.
35 Entry Order Reservation order for broadcast transmission of an image send job.
For a serial polling job, this is used to correlate communication with
36 File Type File format of an image send job.
37 Compression
Compression mode and compression ratio of the file of an image
send job.
38 Communication Time Indicates the communication time of image send jobs.
39 Fax No. Indicates the stored sender's number.
40 Document Filing
Related Item
Document Filing Status of document filing.
41 Storing Mode Document filing storing mode.
42 File Name File name of a file stored by document filing or retention print.*
43 Data Size [KB] File size.
44 Common Functionality Colour Setting Colour mode selected by user.
45 Special Modes Special modes selected when the job was executed.
46 File Name 2 Records the file names of print jobs.*
No. Item name Description