Buttons for full screen display operation
Viewing photos on full screen
Buttons Description
▲/▼ (Cursor)
Go to the previous/next photo in the
same directory..
◄/► (Cursor)
Select / unselect the photos you want
to see.
END button
Go back to the previous screen.
f button
Zoom: ▲/▼/◄/► allow to move through
the pictures when zoom is activated.
A button
Rotates 90º the photo on screen.
Reproduces MP3 music files.
1 Select MUSIC mode and press OK.
Select the files you want to reproduce with ▲/▼ /◄/►
buttons and press OK to start the reproduction.
3 Press OK to stop the reproduction of MP3 files and
press END to exit the MUSIC mode.
• You can stop/restart the reproduction pressing OK.
Buttons Description
▲/▼ (Cursor)
Go to the previous/next track in the same
◄/► (Cursor)
•Mark with X the tracks you want to play
•Backward / Fast forward ( on reproduction
END button
Go back to the previous screen.
RED button
Reproduce the selected files
Reproduce the folder files only once.
When the reproduction has finished, go
back to the previous screen.
Reproduce all the files on the folder
MOVIE mode
Reproduces films and videos.
1 Select MOVIE mode and press OK.
2 Select the files you want to reproduce with ▲/▼ / ◄/►
buttons and press OK to start the reproduction.
• If there is only one file, the reproduction will start automatically
when this file is selected.
3 Press OK to stop / restart the reproduction.
4 Press END to exit the MOVIE mode.
TEXT mode
Displays text files.
1 Select TEXT mode and press OK.
2 Select the file you want to display with ▲/▼ /◄/►
buttons and press OK. The selected file will appear
on full screen.
3 You can move up and down in the file with ▲/▼/◄/►
4 You can display the previous or next text file with
◄/► buttons.
5 Press END to exit the TEXT mode.
MUSIC mode
Buttons Description
▲/▼ (Cursor)
Go to the previous/next file in the same
directory (on MOVIE MENU)
◄/► (Cursor)
• Mark with X the files you want to play.
• Backward / Fast forward
(on reproduction mode)
END button
Go back to the previous screen.
RED button
-Movie Menu options:
Only reproduces the selected file.
Reproduce the folder files only once.
When the reproduction has finished, go
back to the previous screen.
Reproduce the folder files indefinitely.
-On reproduction mode
Allows you to repeat a fragment of a
film indefinitely. The first keystroke defines
A (initial point), the second keystroke
defines B (final point). The third keystroke
restarts the normal reproduction.
BLUE button
Allows you to backward or forward until a
point in the movie.
Introduce “hh:mm:ss” and press OK.
Buttons for music reproduction
Other useful features
Buttons for film reproduction